把英语学成英语:make the bed(铺床)
把英语学成英语:make the bed(铺床)
把英语学成英语:make the bed(铺床/整理床铺)
1) make the bed用中文“遣词造句”是“铺床”,或者“整理床铺”的意思。
2) 假如让你用英语make the bed用英语表达它的意思,也就是要你用英语遣词造句,你会用到哪些学过的英语?又有哪些你“没想到”的英语?
1. Well,when you say:Mom is making our bed,you mean:Mom is neatly rearrange our bed coverings,such as sheets, blankets, and pillows, into what they were before we slept in the bed.
For example,you will say:
Please make the bed before you come down for breakfast.
2. To make the bed means To restore a bed to an unslept-in condition,or to tidy up the bed.
3. Well,when you say:Mom is making her bed, you mean: Mom is tidying up or rearrange the bedclothes,such as sheets, blankets, and pillows on one's bed after she has slept in it.
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