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2024-01-05 20:27 来源:网络 点击:



The monkeys take out the moon

A group of monkeys are playing in the forest. A little monkey runs to the well and looks inside.

He sees the moon is in the well. He is surprised and shouts: “ Come and have a look! The moon falls into the well.“ Other monkeys all come to the well and they all see the moon in the well. Everyone is worried, but they don’t know what to do.

At this moment, an old monkey says: “ We must take out the moon!” All the monkeys agree.

Then the old monkey jumps on the tree and hooks the branch with his legs. He says to other monkeys: “ jump here, hold the legs one by one. Let’s make a long rope. So the last monkey can get the moon and take it out.” All the monkeys follow his words. They make a very long rope !

The last monkey stretches out his hands to get the moon. But he tries many times and still can’t get the moon. He looks up at the old monkey and says: “I can’t ……”. Gee! He sees that the moon is in the sky. He shouts: “ Look! The moon is still in the sky! How foolish we are!” All the monkeys are laughing.



group 团体,集团 a group of 一群

take out 拿出,取出 forest 森林

well 水井(还有“好的” 的意思)

inside 里面,里边(side 就是边的意思)

moon 月亮 surprised 惊奇的

shout 喊 fall 掉入,倒下

other 其他的

into 进入…里面 fall into 掉进…里面

other 其他的 all 全部,都

everyone 每个人(虽然是每个人的意思,


worried 担心的 at this moment 这时

must 必须 agree 同意

hook 钩住 with 用… 和…

branch 树枝 hold 抓住

one by one 一个接一个

rope 绳子 last 最后的 follow 跟随

words 话(它是word的复数,word是单词


follow words 按…说的做

stretch out 伸出(在鹬蚌相争里出现过)

get 拿到(注意get的意思太多了,大家


try 尝试 (此处用的是它的第三人称单数

形式 tries)

time 次数,时间(做时间讲不可数,做次数


Look up 向上看

Gee 咦?(表示惊讶的感叹词)

still 仍然 sky 天空

foolish 笨的,蠢的

How foolish we are! 这是how 引导的


Laugh 笑



一群猴子正在森立里玩。 一只小猴子跑到了水井边向里面看。他看见了月亮在井里。他吃惊地喊道:快来看呀,月亮掉进井里了!其他的猴子都跑过到井边,它们都看到月亮在井里。


这时,一只老猴子说:我们必须把月亮捞出来。 其他的猴子都同意了。

这时,老猴子跳到树上,用他的的腿钩住树枝。他对其他猴子说:跳到这儿来,一个接一个地抓住腿,我们做一根长绳子。这样最后一只猴子就可以抓住月亮把它拿出来。所有地猴子都照他说地做。他们形成了一根很长地绳子!最后一只猴子伸出手去拿月亮。可是他试了很多次依然拿不到月亮。他向上看着老猴子说:我不能…… 咦?他看见月亮在天上。他说:看!月亮还在天上呢!我们好笨呀! 所有的猴子都笑了。